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• artwork fits within designated print surface and works around sleeves and stitching (where applicable)
• images and logos are in high definition (high res vector graphics) and will look good when printed on large flags and banners
Layout - We always find drawings useful and they don't need to be a work of art to help us understand how you wish the design to be laid out. Simply draw a layout over one of our templates or on a blank piece of paper. This is beyond any doubt the easiest and most effective way to show us how you want images, logos, and text laid out.
Graphics & Logos - If you wish to use any form of graphics (logos, pictures, etc) we always need high definition (high res) vector quality. Images taken on a modern digital camera or smartphone are suitable if we have the raw camera files. If you do not have a high-definition version of your logo available, we do offer a redraw service from £15.
High Definition or High Res files - The best high res files tend to be .ai / .eps / .pdf although .jpg files over 4MB can also be used.
Fonts - If you want to use a specific font, please either provide the font file or point us to the font and download the file online via websites like
Please note: It is really important for us, that you are happy with the design. Our friendly team is on hand to provide you with any advice or support you need.
From time to time, we may suggest a design that we believe will work better for you and this will be supplied as an alternative option.
Keeping the design simple and easy to follow, generally creates the best impact, especially if you are close to the main road where traffic is passing by at a speed.
You may also want to consult our page on stacking letters vertically.
Follow our step-by-step process and make the whole job of supplying a design brief easy.
Alternatively, you can provide us with a brief description of your design requirements over the phone.
If we require any images or logos, we can help you send those over to us in the correct formats.
As a general guideline, we use high res, vector graphics to print your flags. When you are checking through your files and folders, look out for the following:
File Types:
High Res JPEG (.jpg) tends to show as MBs rather than kb when you right-click > properties
High Res PDF (.pdf) tends to show as MBs rather than kb when you right-click > properties
EPS (.eps) vary in size, so please send as is
PSD (.psd) tend to be very large files, so please send these via our wetransfer tab on the website (right-hand side of every page)
AI (.ai) tend to be very large files, so please send these via our wetransfer tab on the website (right-hand side of every page)
If you do need to send us large artwork files, it is very useful to send us an email as well ( to outline your needs.
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