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Footfall Meaning and How To Increase It

Footfall counts or measures the number of customers that walk into a shop or place of business. Footfall is commonly measured and analysed in retail stores for many reasons, including:

Analysing Customers vs Sales Achieved
Managing Staffing Levels Through a Business Day
Adjusting The Business Model
Making Changes to Key Product Lines

In conclusion, footfall counts customers who have visited business premises.

Why is footfall so important to a Business?

Footfall is important because more customers equal more sales.

Imagine the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

A customer walks into a shop and they soon notice they are the only person in the store.

Question: How likely is the customer going to buy something?

Answer: Unless this is a highly specialist store, a sale is unlikely to take place.

Scenario 2

A customer walks into a busy store and observes customers at the checkouts and customers looking at products carefully, showing real interest.

Question: How likely is the customer going to buy something?

Answer: Very. Almost like a chain reaction, people naturally feel positive they are in a worthwhile place. In conclusion, they are reassured by the acts of others.

Having worked in a number of retail businesses over the last 30 years, I can genuinely say the more people in a store, the more sales will be made. It’s almost like everyone is feeding off each other and there is an urgency to buy something.

Knowing how important footfall can be to a business, how do you increase it?

There are a number of areas you need to focus your efforts on if you wish to increase footfall.

The number 1 rule is – choose a popular location.

Choosing a popular location is going to help you maximise footfall. You will be subject to higher rents but it pays.

If you are not in a position to choose a popular location, due to budget limitations, you need to consider creative ways to attract customers to your store.

The list is not endless, but you may consider:

Speaking to your local council – find out whether you can order special signs to direct people to your business. Conditions may apply but they can be a highly cost-effective way of attracting attention.

Speak with the owner of the property and find out whether the building can be improved to attract positive attention.

Consider using colourful signage, bunting, or flags to attract attention.

Place portable Feather Flags in highly visible places to encourage customers to venture down your street.

Employ someone to hand out promotional materials and educate customers where you are – use discount vouchers to sweeten the deal.

Sign up for a free Google Business Listing and choose the right descriptions and keywords relating to your business (include technical and non-technical terms so local customers can find you when they are looking for shops etc on their smartphones.

Always, always, keep in touch with local business support forums and clubs. People will help promote your business, especially if you are struggling with footfall.

Regularly share new products with customers via social media and use pretty photos and interesting videos to heighten customers’ desire to buy what you have. Good presentation is the key here.

In conclusion:

Increasing footfall to your business will guarantee more sales. In this current climate, it is important to understand the importance of how important footfall is to a successful business.

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Sail Flags

Unit 5, Nanturras Ind Park,
Goldsithney, Penzance,
Cornwall, TR20 9HE
E: studio@sailflags.co.uk
T: 01736 719111