Shop Flags
When buying a flag or set of flags for a shop, it is worth considering:
– How much space do you have?
If you would like to use a freestanding portable flag that moves in a breeze or wind, for example, you will need a minimum of 1 metre space.
This will allow the flag to move and rotate safely (avoiding health and safety issues with pedestrians)
The distance between your shop and main road may have an impact on the effectiveness of any flag/s displayed.
Commonly, high street retailers will have little space to display flags, but they will be very close to busy pavements and walkways.
Small flags will add more impact if properly located, for example.
Shops located a little off the beaten track or set back from the road, as another example, will generally have more space to display larger flags.
In conclusion, every shopkeeper will have a different area of space to work with, so it’s worth measuring against flag dimensions.
Practical Considerations
Shop Flags generally need to be brought in each day (except for flags displayed on traditional flagpoles including Trapezoid Flags)
It is therefore important to have staff properly trained to bring them down and store them safely.
Weather Conditions
Is the shop premises subject to excessive weather conditions?
If YES, please mention this to us or the flag maker you choose. This will result in the flags being reinforced to cope with excessive wind and rain, for example.
Please note, portable flags will generally withstand winds up to 35mph.
Message and Colour Scheme
What message and colour scheme will result in the best impact?
Shop Flags are designed to create attention and increase footfall into your shop, for example.
Getting the message and colour scheme just right, is key to your success.
Sailflags have a massive range of shop flags in every size you can imagine.
Please drop us a line today by filling out our flag enquiry form or call us on 01736 719111.